Penultimate Example Of Why I Learned How To Use The Manual Shooting Mode

Being naturally curious last night I went out under a waxing half moon and tried both manual shooting and in camera night mode. Major difference.
In-camera night mode

The in-camera settings work reasonably well in daylight. Not so well at night.
My own settings applied in manual mode.
The top shot looks like a horribly shot bright sunlight shot. Hard shadows, blue sky, bright green leaves. The bottom shot looks like what it is, a less than good night shot. Both were shot at about 21:00 under a waxing half moon from the same position but with a slightly different camera angle.

The Sony Alpha a68 does well enough in the daylight with the built in camera settings but not so well at night.

There is nothing that I can do to correct the in-camera settings shot. There is a great deal I can do to correct the manual shot.

I can wait for more moonlight. Upping the ISO is an option. Perhaps use the Bulb setting. The next good night I'll be back out there on manual, playing with the settings.



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