
"When you look at a piece of delicately spun glass you think of two things: how beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken."     

 Tennessee Williams

Easy to break impossible to mend
 A slip of the tongue. Perhaps once too often making the wrong choice. Not keeping your word. Any one or all three may destroy a reputation. Yes even today with the Prince of Liars in the White House and a pandemic of Cancel Culture running rampant it's still possible for a person to destroy their own reputation.

Might I suggest that we all pay a little more attention to what we think, do and say.


When the cup is full, carry it even
When the cup is full, carry it even.
When the cup is full, carry it even.


Dan said…
Can I ask you why you pick on Trump, well we have a much worse PM in Ottawa.
Sure you can. Trudeau is totally irrelevant to my life: a pimple on an elephants rear end. Trump and where he takes America and the world is very relevant. His actions against China in the South China Sea could get a lot of good people killed. His attempts to make America his personal kingdom is making life very interesting . His acceptance of the messianic role given him by QAnon while he controls the nuclear button is terrifying. And the reasons grow every day.

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