The Emotions Become Charcoal And Subtlety Emerges

"A wise man will hear and increase in learning. And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles".

Proverbs 1: 5-6

It takes a long long time to develop wisdom
Sadness is wisdom's companion

 Don't get me wrong I make no claims of personal wisdom. The most I can claim is an emerging appreciation for subtlety. Which is one of the reasons for this new look.The colours, layout  and overall ambiance whisper subtlety to me.

WordPress, WIX not even the blog in Vivaldi could whisper like Blogger.

I have no idea where this new appreciation will take my shots and thoughts. But I am looking forward to the journey.



Diana Studer said…
You are perhaps lucky to come back now - when people are grumbling about the new editor. You will start fresh, and enjoy I hope.
(Maybe adjust the font size in your comments, it is TINY compared to all the rest.
Hmmm, it goes in TINY but comes out reasonable.

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