Spirit Whale

 “...the great floodgates of the wonder-world swung open...” Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, the Whale

Spirit Whale

 Back in the day I had just dropped Oliver off at Cape Scott Lighthouse and was putting back to the Thomas Crosby 5 in the 12 foot inflatable. It was the first warm Spring day of the year and I as in no rush to get back to the Crosby

Suddenly where there had only been water there emerged an island. An island that was moving and spouting. I cut the engine and drifted towards a Gray Whale. 

It was, and I use the word advisedly, Awesome. I watched it slowly cut across my bow and submerge. With no idea where it would surface or if there were others in the bay I just sat still and waited. That may have been the longest five minutes of my life.

When I finally returned to the Crosby it took me a few minutes to convince the rest of the crew that we were surrounded by Gray Whales.

Ever since then I have had an appreciation of the life force found in a Gray. And of the courage needed to man a longboat and be a whaler.



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