One Week But Who's Counting

 Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning. Benjamin Franklin

A fine close-up/macro of a Tree Bark Spider. All eight eyes wide open and alert.

One week to go and I am seriously worried. The top Generals in the U.S. Military have put out a memo reminding their subordinates that their oath is to the constitution not to the President. They have also emphatically stated that next week Joe Biden will become their new Commander in Chief. 

The obvious question is 'why did they feel the need to put out that joint statement?' 

Perhaps it's because the F.B.I. has announced that it is possible that all fifty state capitals will be facing armed seditionists sometime within the next seven days? 

Whatever the reason or reasons it seems that they see a clear and present danger in the military that they want to defuse.

I'm also more than a little concerned over the reporting that indicates some of the people running the Capital's security were actively working with the traitors that stormed the Capital. 

I'm not saying all were nor am I saying most were. Certainly the policeman that was beaten to death wasn't on their side. But the one in the MAGA hat...?

I could go on but I'm sure you see why I'm seriously worried. 



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