The Truth Will Set You Free

Never believe your own myths

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington


We need to examine our beliefs in the light of history rathyer than mythology.
Look in the mirror to find the truth

Mythology is a grand and glorious universe. Within it anything may be true. Warp and weft can create any cloth that will hide the usually ugly truth. America has one overarching mythology; 

 'anyone can succeed. All it takes is hard work'

Of course, as is the case with every mythology this is simply not true. Though enough outliers do succeed to allow many to believe that this All American Myth is true.

As well as one overarching mythology America has many competing myths built around the many and varied peoples that are now part of the American Empire. Two have come to dominate the second tier.

One of these mythologies was created by the descendants of the Black slaves that actually built much of America. The other comes from the descendants of the Anglo Europeans who came to America more or less of their own free will. As is usually the case these mythologies are based upon apple picked truths, golden age memories and wishful dreaming.

Time To Do A Little Debunking

Slavery has always existed. It existed in what was to become America before the Anglo Europeans landed on the eastern shores of Turtle Island. The continent of Africa was also cursed with slavery. Cursed long before the Anglo European traders picked up their first boat load of slaves headed for America. Americans bought slaves but Africans sold slaves to the Anglo Europeans that sold them on. 

The people on the Mayflower did not discover a wilderness ready to be occupied. They landed on an unknown (to them) Continent that had many nations and peoples. Nations and peoples who were not as technically advanced. Eventually with both the numbers and the technology on their side they decimated the indigenous population and committed cultural and physical genocide. 

For the record Buffalo Soldiers, free Blacks who  joined the American army after the civil war, played their part in this genocide. Hard to believe but true. 

Enough Debunking

In a few days America will have a new president. But they will still have the old America. Biden does indeed need to find a way to help America heal. He will need to open the old wounds and clean out the puss.

Might I suggest he starts the drainage by cleaning off the scabs that the American mythologies have grown over the Grand Experiment. 

Bring into the light all of the truly ugly truths held within America's dominant mythologies. Find a way to begin  a new mythology that will include the good the bad and the ugly. 

The outgoing POTUS has shown one brilliant truth that needs to be followed for any culture to survive.

Lies will always enslave and destroy a people.



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