Day By Day 03/20/2021 ~ A Walk In The Garden

 "You can't go too far off course doing justice, giving mercy and walking humbly"

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington

Old and gray bent and busted

The day started with M'Lady taking my blood sugar and offering to make a pot of much appreciated strong coffee. Blood sugar was okay and the coffee was, and is, superb. Strong, black, well rounded and steaming hot.

After the first meal of the day it was time for my first walk. The Tickling nest is still in place where the rocks meet the water in the lower pond. Bell peppers are starting to bear. Sweet potatoes are doing nicely and we will soon be dining on egg plant and our own table bananas.

When I checked the upper pond there was a pleasant surprise. I got to watch Tilapia swimming in the crystal clear water. 

Tilapia in the tomb

Apparently yesterday afternoon we had five nice sized Tilapia (fresh water Chicken) delivered. With a bit of luck in a month or two there will be a couple of ponds full of fish and we will have one more dependable food source. A food source that goes back to the time of the Pharaohs. If we can find them we can also add fresh water shrimp to the pond. Yummers! All in all a good walk.

I could go on but what's left in my mind needs some percolating.

PS I know the ink color has changed towards the end but I can't find the way to correct this minor problem. B.

PPS. Now the color is fine... go figure B.


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