M'Lady Agrees ~ I'm Getting Worse But The Fight Continues

Sometimes there ain't no bottom

The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington

A while back I found it convenient to use a cane as I hobbled around the yard. Today I was using two canes and / or my electric scooter. It's just the way it is. 

Back in the day I was a deck hand on the Thomas Crosby V. We would be out for three weeks and in port for two. In the first week out I'd hit my 'tired zone'. Then I'd just keep going. Not a big deal, all of the crew worked the same way. When you went home you did everything that needed doing there. Now when I'm tired I sleep. No ifs ands or buts the eyes close and I'm gone. It's just the way it is.

Sometimes there ain't no bottom  The Life And Times Of Brian Waddington
Go with the flow

There was a time that I was a not so humble genius. Now I'm bordering on stupid. It's just the way it is.

Between the M.S., dementia, degenerative arthritis, diabetes, hyper tension and just your everyday run of the mill old age I'm not what I used to be. That's just the way it is.

Which is not to say that M'Lady and I haven't found some work arounds.

Would you believe that I now have a patio chair in our shower. I tried a medical chair but it rusted away. The plastic and aluminum patio chair is seriously rust resistant and is built not to slide on a wet patio. I now have a good chance of not falling in the shower.

There was a time when I could bluff or just plain scare the bad guys up here.  Hard to pull a bluff when you walk with two canes. Which is why we recently purchased a magnificent black and tan Doberman puppy. Give it six months  and it won't be a bluff if the bad guys come around. We also installed security cameras just to give us that little extra heads up.

Finally, if I should happen to fall we now employ two yard workers. One is a natural farmer the other a Sister who left the convent. Both are strong and neither take any garbage.

There are more work arounds of the hillbilly variety but there's no need to give away all our surprises all at once.



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