Am I A Camera Nerd ~ Clear Zoom

Am I A Camera Nerd ~ Clear Zoom
Maximum Clear Zoom

In this post I answer the existential question of my life: am I a camera nerd? I am pretty sure that the answer is yes. 

Last night at 11:00 o'clock I found myself chatting with a sales rep from a reputable camera company about what lens or what equipment would be best to buy for my exploration into videos. The gentleman, wherever he was, suggested I go with a Sony lens rather than a camcorder or handy-cam 

That was a disappointment. I was looking forward to buying a handy-cam sometime next year. But if you're going to ask the experts you might as well accept their advice. 

After talking to the sales rep I started exploring YouTube to see what I could find. Somewhere along that road I came upon a YouTube video that talked about clear zoom on Sony alpha cameras. 

This was something I had never thought of or really even noticed. Quickly getting my camera out I set up the parameters that he suggested, focused in on a bookshelf and had some fun with clear zoom. I went to sleep with all sorts of expectations for the next day.  

Once I had breakfast I got my camera out. The video in this post is the result as is the still shot. My lady suggests that the camera gets a little soft when I take it up to two times magnification with the video and she's right. But I checked it out and it seems to me that I can get up to about 1.7 or 1.8x before it starts to go soft. This is a good deal. 

I would usually work on my still shots before I dictate.Today that would put me in conflict with M"Lady. So, I'm not at all sure what the still shots are going to look like but I hope they're good. Let me know what you think in the comments section.



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