You Can Only See What Your Mind Already Knows

"We see what we have been trained to see. I was trained to see Negros. You may have been trained to see Blacks. The possibilities are endless."

 The Life And Times of Brian Waddington

'The Expected One': Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller

Most 21st. Century people living in the Western World will see a young lady busily texting as she approaches the young man with  a flower. 

This undoubtedly amuses Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller wherever he may be. I say wherever because 'The Expected One' was painted in 1860 and Waldmuller died long before the invention of the cell phone. 

In my never humble opinion it is a Hymnal that the young lady is so focussed on. But then I was a devout Christian and a Pastor so I have been trained to see Hymnals. 

For those who aren't familiar with the term; a hymnal is a small book filled with Church Hymns. They are often in the pews or handed out to the congregation as they enter church. Some people, such as the young lady in the painting would have their own hymnal and carry it with them for times of private meditation and devotion. This rather nicely brings us to today's lesson: 
If you don't have an honest understanding of back in the day you will be easy pickings for those who want to control you. 



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