We Aren't Meant To Stand Alone Or Above

 The world is not made out of Leggo. 

The Green Man

The world is not made out of Leggo.   The Green Man
We are part of the warp and weft of Planet Earth

Here is where I leave Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They believe that humans are the chosen. I don't. 

Humans are no more and no less important than any other part of this marvelously interconnected ball of life we call home. 

Ideally we should be the stewards of Planet Earth. But like Oppenheimer we have become Death incarnate. There isn't a baby born that doesn't start life out of the womb breathing low level poisons. Quite literally all of Planet Earth has been tuned into humanities septic tank. 

This is not a good thing. It is okay to use the oceans and seas as a place to flush your toilet into if there are only a few of you. But when there are Billions? Not such a good idea. 

Humans need to find better ways to dispose of our filth and, ideally, lower the overall population. There's just to damn many of us. 

Combine too many humans, greed, stupidity, unrivalled aggressiveness into a pot. The result; insanely rich Bosses, struggling Proles, starving populations and global boiling.

It's still not too late to become once again Stewards.

The Green Man


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