Israel Demands UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres Resign

"A spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry has told BBC News that UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres must resign for "outrageous" comments he made in a speech earlier on Tuesday." (BBC)
In a previous post I stated my belief that Israel has an absolute right to defend itself against Hamas but that I could not understand how the right to fight Hamasa to the death no quarter given or asked morphed into the right to incinerate or in other nasty ways kill Palestinian children.

Once again Israel is confusing me. I believe that everyone has the right to interpret 'facts' in a way that makes sense to them. I also believe that every nation has that same right.

My problem, confusion arises when people or nations change the facts to fit their opinions. So, what did Antonio Gutteres say that was outrageous enough for Israel to call for his resignation?

“It is important to also recognise the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation... But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people,” (BBC)

I see no factual error in what UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres said. Israel has occupied Palestine for the last 56 years. Israel has steadily encroached upon the land that the United Nations declared belonged to the Palestinians.
On day one of nationhood Israel was attacked by it's Arab neighbors. By the end of that war the land division went from this:

To this:

What had been close to a 50/50 split was now 78% in favor of Israel. These lines of separation were not seen as permanent. And they weren't. For the next 50 plus years Israel continued to expand and colonize within the traditional borders of Palestine.

Israel seems to be trying to rewrite history in it's own image.  Israel as the victim. Israel as the Jewish David against the Palestinian Goliath. 

The trouble with the rewrite is that David now has the backing of the largest military in the world, state of the art military equipment on the ground, in the air and on the sea, outnumbers Hamas 500,000 to 30,000 and way in the back, hidden away, they have nuclear weapons. 

As I have said before, Hamas needs to be defanged. 

However, today, right now I'm having trouble seeing the difference between Hamas and Israeli tactics. Both sides feel a need to totally remove the other from world history and they don't give a damn about the innocent children that their tactics kill. 

The Green Man #SaveTheChildren



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