Wanderlust Doesn't Die But The Means Of Travel May Change

Back in the day to satisfy his wander lust he would migrate every spring and Fall.

Wanderlust never goes away
Wandering and Wondering

He still has the wander lust, and he still migrates, but now he uses his mind rather than a motorcycle, car, boat, train or plane.
As he wanders, he finds few regrets and even fewer what ifs.

What he is finding is unquenchable curiosity about what lies around the next corner, over the horizon, at the head of the fjord or simply down the path.

Questions that can only be answered when he slips the bonds that tie him so strongly to this world.

What will he find when he moves on down the line from this life, is a question that deserves and will have, more than one cup of coffee.

The Green Man


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