There's A Story Told Of A Young Mother Her Betrothed Her Newborn Son And A Terrorist State

 For roughly sixty years her country had been occupied. She was little different than any other young woman of her place and time.

For roughly sixty years her country had been occupied. She was little different than any other young woman of her place and time. By the age of fourteen she was betrothed. She would give birth to her children far from a hospital while living under the heel of an oppressive regime. A regime so depraved that it decided that to protect its power every child under two must die. Shortly after the birth of her child her family fled to Egypt.

What is now called the West Bank was then called Judea. Different name, different oppressors, same horror. 

Then it was the Romans and their Jewish puppets. Now its Israel and its American enablers. 

Then it was the Massacre of the Innocents. Now it is the slaughter of Palestinian children. 

Then it was Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Now it is any Palestinian family living in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

Will we never learn the simple lesson that violence begets violence?

The Green Man


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