Thou Shalt Not Covet

 October 10, 2024,

Hi, Whoever put together the Decalogue knew a thing or two about human nature.

October 10, 2024,  Hi, Whoever put together the Decalogue knew a thing or two about human nature.   It's rarely enough  This all started this morning when I watched a YouTube video about A Honda motorcycle. What caught my attention was the phrase 'a pathetic 99 horsepower'. This got me thinking on how when I first got into riding, Triumph had a sticker placed prominently on their Bonneville proclaiming that the Bonny was a bike for expert riders. It came with, in round numbers, 50 horsepower. I'm here to tell you that the Bonny could get your adrenalin flowing.  So, what's changed? My answer is; absolutely nothing! We always have, and I'm suggesting we always will covet, lust, desire, just a little more than we already have.  To counter my belief, all you have to do is explain to me why the Decalogue or the teachings of Buddha, Krishna, or any number of ancient spiritual masters are no longer relevant today. Go ahead, show me how and where humanity has become less violent, brutal, nasty, and just less unwashed.  Obviously, I don't think you can. However, give it your best shot in the comments. There's nothing that would bring me greater joy than to be shown that humanity has changed so much over the last 2,000 years that we wouldn't, today, crucify Jesus.   I await your comments,  Bringer Of The Gentle Wind  PS., I was debating about posting this in my politically incorrect blog. Let me know if you think I chose properly. B.
It's rarely enough 
This all started this morning when I watched a YouTube video about A Honda motorcycle. What caught my attention was the phrase 'a pathetic 99 horsepower'. This got me thinking on how when I first got into riding, Triumph had a sticker placed prominently on their Bonneville proclaiming that the Bonny was a bike for expert riders. It came with, in round numbers, 50 horsepower. I'm here to tell you that the Bonny could get your adrenalin flowing.

So, what's changed? My answer is; absolutely nothing! We always have, and I'm suggesting we always will covet, lust, desire, just a little more than we already have.

To counter my belief, all you have to do is explain to me why the Decalogue or the teachings of Buddha, Krishna, or any number of ancient spiritual masters are no longer relevant today. Go ahead, show me how and where humanity has become less violent, brutal, nasty, and just less unwashed.

Obviously, I don't think you can. However, give it your best shot in the comments. There's nothing that would bring me greater joy than to be shown that humanity has changed so much over the last 2,000 years that we wouldn't, today, crucify Jesus. 

I await your comments,

Bringer Of The Gentle Wind

P.S., I was debating about posting this in my politically incorrect blog. Let me know if you think I chose properly.
