The Politically Incorrect Politics Of Peace ~ There is nothing more politically incorrect than Peace!

October 18, 2024,

Hi, to just rant and rave about how things have gone off the rails or how things need to change has become tiring. I feel a great need to take a deep and academically solid dive into the history of Peace and Sustainable Development.  You ask why? Because unless humanity can change its ways, we face a bleak future. 

Every seeker needs a starting point. Looking into the possibility of combining Kant with the prophet Micah is where this quest will begin. I'll start here, not because I'm pushing Christianity as the answer. I'm closer to Buddhism than Christianity. But because both Kant and Micah have had powerful influences on what I'm researching. Kant has for hundreds of years been considered as a major player in Philosophical circles. Micah has influenced Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They are powerful standing alone. Will they be more powerful combined? This is my starting point. Where I will go after this section, only my muse knows. 

Final thought, at University, Philosophy and Psychology captured my attention and introduced me to Kant. As a village pastor on the north coast of British Columbia, Canada, Micah's call to justice, mercy and humility greatly influenced my ministry. Both Kant and Micah envisioned a world where peace was the norm. Their approach was different, but their aims were complementary. And that should answer any questions' about 'why them'? 

I'm 73 years old, and live on the side of a sleeping volcano in the Philippines. That plus the reality of walking with two canes or not walking at all and staying in my wheelchair makes getting to the local universities difficult. So, I will be doing my research and writing with the aid of 'Gemini'. Gemini will be my librarian, proofreader, research assistant and advisor. 

As I said, this will be a deep dive and that means no quick and easy solutions to some very long-standing problems. I do not even see a post every day in the foreseeable future. 

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