I Am Mightily Confused.

 If you click on the three vertical lines (top left) the sidebar opens. There you will find seven of my regular and usually dependable (though with a tilt) news sources. 

 Always before, for major news events when I looked to my various news sources, I could figure out what was going down. Not so with Butcher Biden's(?) or is it NetanYAHOO'S, or did they both work on it? possibly it's someone else's cease fire proposal? Possibly Xi Jinping's work? (He has been getting involved)

All I'm finding in my news sources are contradicting rumors and possibly true statements. 

Anyone who has read my writ knows that I can and will tell a good story. They should also appreciate that reporting on world events is an entirely different kettle of fish. Stretching a story is one thing but propaganda is a nasty parallel universe that I TRY VERY HARD NOT TO ENTER.

So, this new peace proposal, I'm just going to sit back and see what if anything floats to the top. 

