I Believe All Of Humanities Problems Have One Cause
Greed |
I leave it to greater thinkers than myself to figure out why Greed dominates humanity. All I know is that for whatever reason, it does.
The 'thou shalt nots' are all about greed, both Humanities and G-d's. Read your basic mythology and one of the underlying ever-present themes is wanting what the person has no right to. If it's the heroine, it's a tragedy. If it's the villain, it's a Western. Somebody wants what they shouldn't have and the games afoot.
As Ben Rumson puts it, 'Every man has his creed and mine is all greed.' If Ben's wisdom isn't enough, consider many if not all of the new movies. The Marvel Comic Book franchise comes to mind. The good guys, if there are any, always seem to be motivated by vengeance. What is vengeance but improper desire? And Improper Desire is just another way to say 'Greed.'
All of the great spiritual masters have tried to come to grips with Greed. None of them succeeded. If they couldn't I seriously doubt that I can. But just on the off chance I'll throw my hat into the ring.